Buriram Fishing Park with 22 rai and resort

12,999,000 ฿
  • Cell phone:+66958988735
  • Phone:+66958988735
  • Item Id: 113
  • Category: Leisure
  • Viewed: 1286

Buriram Fishing Park with 22 rai and resort

Published date: 15/08/2020 | Category: Leisure | Location: Buri Ram, North-East, Thailand

This land is only 590,000 per rai and you get a buisiness a home and unlimited opportunity to expand the resort and lesure business

This is a high profile Anglers leisure complex, with the promise of catching Asia's largest fish.

 The whole complex is set in 22 rai with a 4 rai main fishing lake with balancing lakes setup with underground water piping to keep the main fishing lake at the optimum level all year around.

 The students from the local University help around the complex, gardening, assisting anglers, preparing bait and general duties in return they are learning fish husbandry and landscaping. There are rooms for them to stay with kitchen.

The fish in the lake have an estimated value not lower the 3mil baht and probably over 4mil+ baht.

 The Complex:

 Land area: 22 rai

Main Lake: 4 rai x 3 to 4 mt deep.

 Landscaped with over 200 tree of various species

5 main fishing ( swims ) Stands

 Resort House for long-stay visitors.

 Small shop selling drinks

 Student accommodation rooms.

 3 Bedroom owners bungalow, Photos on request.

 With all inquiries please include your Name, Phone number and email address.

Viewing strictly by appointment

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    More information

    • Offers considered :
    • Ownership :Thai
    • Deed:Nor Sor Si (4) Jor (Chanote)


    • Location: Buri Ram , North-East, Thailand

    Useful Information

    Avoid scams by acting locally. On enquiries always ask for full contact details eg: Name, phone number, emails address, or any social media contact information. Never give the precise location of you property and always when arranging a viewing escort the potential customer with an appointed agent or yourself.